Friday, August 10, 2007

Summer Reading CORRECTION

Ok, the school made a mistake and inadvertently posted last summer's rules for this summer's reading. The books to read, and the assignements were/are correct, but the rules about the written work and the workshops is wrong...

So here is the deal for summer '07:

If you attend ONE of the summer reading workshops (either Thur, Aug 9, or Thur, Aug 16) you do NOT have to turn in the written work when school begins. You must still do the readings of course, and before the workshop. So, yes, you read that correctly, if you go to the workshop, you don't have to do the written work.

It was a simple mistake, the school regrets it, and now you have clarification. Tell your friends to register for the workshops ASAP as they'll fill up. They'll be really helpful for the summer reading exam, not to mention getting out of the written work.

If you have questions, email me at