The first Friday of the 3rd week has come and gone and nearly every one of you is a published blogger. Congratulations!
1. Stick to politics - don't post about your pet rock, mom's apple pie, or your new stamp collecting club.
2. The tone of your blog entries should fit the subject, audience, and purpose. You're writing opinions about American politics - a silly tone will make your opinion seem silly, which will render it unconvincing. That goes for comments on other people's blogs too.
3. Comments - the "soft" due date for these is mid-week-"ish". By Wednesday 9/19-ish, you should comment on 3 blog entries on 3 different blogspots. For each of the next 14 weeks, choose a new 3 blogspots on which to comment. By the semester exam, you'll have commented on 45 different blogs. You can always comment on more than 3 blogs, or become "a regular" on a particular blogspot, but you still must do the 3 different blogspots each week. If you get into the assignment by posting extra blog entries and commenting on more than 3 each week, you'll find you really enjoy politics!
4. RSS - The APUSGOV Blogosphere Directory (on the right) can help you navigate all our blogspots. Additionally, you may find setting up RSS feeds of the blogs you like and those you commented on might be worthwhile for you. You can see in the picture above (click on it) that I've done that for all our blogs. And you were wondering how I was going to surf around the web to all 150 blogspots! Remember, I'm the person of the year - they come to me!
hey gwalt did you watch the colbert report tonight (the 19th)?... there was a hilarious excerpt on the Kerry speech tasering frenzy regarding our (mine, not yours) generation and youtube that you would have found entertaining.
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