Congratulations to you as you move on to the next stage of your life. Meanwhile, the selection process for the next President of the United States moves on to its next stage. Though it seemed the Democrats might never decide, they figured it out just in time for your graduation.
I wish all the best to you and I hope you'll stay engaged in the process of making our community, country, and the world more just.

i love you
Thank's Mr. Gwaltney for making Politics and Government such an interesting course. So much so that I will be a Politics major at UC Santa Cruz 2012! (its "politics" because it's more of an art than a science haha. less numbers and voting patterns and more political philosophy! <3 UCSC)
Anyway, look out for me in 2036. Me and Nick Cohen are gonna duke it out for the Democratic nomination. (A small and quick fight I should note. I'll make a deal with him and he'll put me in a do-nothing job. we both win.)
goddddddddddd bless americaaaaa.
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